Trips Maritim Agency – Services
Trips Maritim Agency vision is to provide the best quality of service to our clients. The services provided by us are of the highest standard and we will go out of our way to ensure that everything is in order. Our goal is to provide qualified, per-screened applicants to fill the needs of the maritime industry. We want our customers to have total confidence in our ability to select the human resources they need, on their behalf, leaving them the freedom to concentrate on the other aspects of ship operation, management and ownership.
As an independent agency, we are committed to delivering a professional, friendly service, expert advice and competitive rates to all our customers. Our in-depth local knowledge and understanding of the shipping world ensures we will provide high quality, cost-effective port and vessel agency services. The company quality system manual provides the framework through which this process of review and constant improvement are implemented. It is a company policy to achieve continuous customer satisfaction through the continual improvement of the activities by the planning, setting and implementation of specified and measurable quality objectives by the management team.
1. Customer care
At Trips Maritim Agency, it’s all about customers’ satisfaction, how to meet and exceed their expectations. At Trips Maritim Agency, customers are placed at the heart of our corporate strategy. Trips Maritim Agency Customer care is to develop and create series of secured and safe services and fast moving solutions that Trips Maritim Agency designed to enhance the level of our customer satisfaction.
2. Containers
In addition to conventional containers (standards, reefers, platform, open top…), Trips Maritim Agency also offers specialized containers adapted to specific goods: Autotainers for the transportation of vehicles and GOH for the transport of garments on hangers. Our containers are fully multi-modal and easily transition between ship, rail, barge and truck. All of our containers meet ISO standards 1496 and 6346 as well as C.S.C. criteria (Convention for Safe Containers). Containers are monitored and maintained by our expert teams around the globe who ensure that the units remain in accordance with those standards, as well as to the requirements of Trips Maritim Agency to ensure a constant level of quality and customer satisfaction.
3. Cargo Care
We wants to ensure that your cargo arrives at destination in the same condition it left your warehouse. To help with that goal, it’s important that you remember that during the voyage, your cargo will be subjected to many things that can create problems if proper care isn’t taken. Cargo must be correctly packed, braced, blocked, lashed and secured into the unit in order to prevent cargo from moving and suffer damages.
4. Shipping Guide
This section outlines the various customs regulations which govern imports to ensure security. Several countries have put in place rules requiring that all details related to all imported shipments are transmitted electronically to Customs before loading at foreign ports.
5. Shipping Guide
ISSC: International Ship security Certificate
This document certifies that the vessel security system has been verified and complies with all expected requirements.
SMC: Safety Management Certificate
This document is issued to a ship and signifies that the carrier and its shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved safety and environmental protection policy.
MLC: Maritime Labour Convention
This document certifies the vessel complies with the minimum working and living standards for all seafarers.
6. Cargo Insurance
Despite our enhanced safety and security measures, some unexpected and unforeseeable events can happen and may lead to loss or damage of your cargo. With a one stop shop offer to facilitate your shipping experience, Trips Maritim Agency, in partnership with one of the largest marine insurance companies in the world, has developed a Unique Cargo Insurance Program that address these risks.